Kate Collins-Donnelly
By the Author
Starving the Gremlin Workbooks for Ages 10+
Gremlins love to snack on tough emotions, and the more you feed them with your feelings and behaviours, the more they grow! So how can…
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Starving the Gremlin Workbooks for Ages 5-9
Gremlins love to snack on tricky feelings, and the more you feed them with your thoughts and behaviours, the more they grow! So how can…
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Starving the Depression Gremlin
Have you met the depression gremlin? He's a troublesome creature who likes nothing more than to feed off your low mood. And the more he…
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Starving the Exam Stress Gremlin
Stressed out by exams? Then the exam stress gremlin is in town! Exam fears and worries are his favourite foods, and the more of these…
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Starving the Anxiety Gremlin for Children Aged 5-9
Help children to understand and manage their anxiety with this engaging and imaginative workbook. The Anxiety Gremlin is a mischievous creature who loves to gobble…
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Banish Your Self-Esteem Thief
Part of the Reading Well scheme. 35 books selected by young people and health professionals to provide 13 to 18 year olds with high-quality support,…
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Banish Your Body Image Thief
Part of the Reading Well scheme. 35 books selected by young people and health professionals to provide 13 to 18 year olds with high-quality support,…
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Starving the Stress Gremlin
Watch out for the Stress Gremlin – he loves to feed on your stress, and as he gets bigger and bolder, you get more and…
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Starving the Anxiety Gremlin
Children's Choice Winner at the School Library Association's Information Book Awards 2014 The Anxiety Gremlin loves one thing - to feed on your anxiety! But…
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Starving the Anger Gremlin
Meet the anger gremlin: a troublesome pest whose favourite meal is your anger, and the more he eats the angrier you get! There's only one…