Sarah Jennings
By the Author
What would you do?: Bravery
·Should you try something new even if you're afraid? -Should you do something dangerous if all your friends are doing it? - Should you give…
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What would you do?: Family
- Should you ignore your parents' rules if you don't agree with them? - Should you attend a family gathering if you don't want to…
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What would you do?: Honesty
- Should you always be honest about your feelings? - Should you tell on a bully? - Would you admit if you got a higher…
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What would you do?: Community and the Environment
- Should you say something to someone who drops litter? - Should you still visit a National Park when it's being damaged because of too…
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What would you do?: Fairness
· Is it fair when someone does well without trying? · Is it fair when your family trip to the movies is cancelled because your…
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What would you do?: Friendship
· When choosing teams, should you pick your friends first? · Is it okay to cancel plans with a friend if something better comes along?…
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Mindful Spaces: Mindfulness and My Emotions
Mindfulness and My Emotions is a introduction to mindfulness, helping young children to tune into their feelings and emotions, and find ways to manage them…
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Mindful Spaces: Mindfulness and Nature
Mindfulness and Nature helps young children to slow down and pay attention to the world outside and the way our bodies and minds experience it.…
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Mindful Spaces: Mindfulness and Me
Mindfulness and Me is a introduction to mindfulness, helping young children to tune into their minds and bodies, find ways to learn more about themselves…
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Mindful Spaces: Mindfulness and My Body
Mindfulness and My Body helps young children slow down and listen to their bodies in the present moment. Topics include mindful movement, using the senses…
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Reading Champion: My Friend
This book is part of Reading Champion, a series carefully linked to book bands to encourage independent reading skills, developed with UCL Institute of Education…
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Kids Can Cope: Bounce Back from Disappointment
When things don't go the way you hoped. When plans change. When someone doesn't do what they promised they would. Any of these things can…
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Kids Can Cope: Step Back from Frustration
Children experience a range of emotions but don't always know what the feeling they're experiencing is, or how to deal with it. Frustration is one…
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Kids Can Cope: Say Hi When You’re Shy
Lots of children feel shy when they don't know what to do or what to say. It might take them a while to warm up…
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Kids Can Cope: Let Go of Jealousy
Description It's not always easy for a child to know when they're jealous; sometimes they may have felt sad and upset or cross and angry…
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Kids Can Cope: Take Charge of Anger
When things don't go right. When it's not fair. When someone doesn't do what they promised they would. Losing or breaking something, being scared or…
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Kids Can Cope: Put Your Worries Away
Bullying and burglars. Being laughed at and being left alone. Accidents, illness, family break up and moving home. Tests at school, changing school. And monsters…
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Kids Can Cope: Face Your Fears
Being scared or afraid is a feeling that everyone has. Sometimes the things that scare children are real; things like spiders and snakes, thunder and…
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Kids Can Cope: Turn Away from Teasing
Whether it's what children can do or what they can't do, the way they look or the way they speak, what they like or dislike,…
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Find Your Girl Squad
Finding a girl squad that's as unique and special as you are starts with finding YOURSELF. Friendships are SO difficult to get right - and…
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Early Reader: Micky’s Magic Pencil
Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early…