Tim Budgen
By the Author
The Magic Pet Shop Stories: Pugicorn to the Rescue!
Princess Ava loves Mrs Paws' Magic Pet Shop - after all, Mrs Paws helped her find her magical best friend, Pugicorn! Mrs Paws always knows…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Dinocorn
Meet Dinocorn. He's gentle, nurturing and nature-loving . . . or at least that's what his new owner - Princess Ally - thinks! Ally is…
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Life Cycle Stories: Chick
Meet Chick. Chick likes running around in the sunshine, squabbling with her sisters and pecking tasty treats with her pointy beak. And she loves to…
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Life Cycle Stories: Frog
Meet Frog. Frog likes splashing in the pond, leaping from her lily pad and catching insects on her long, curly, whirly tongue. And she loves…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Puppicorn
Meet Puppicorn, a magical, mini sausage dog who is sleeping soundly at Mrs Paws' Pet Shop while she waits for her new owner . .…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Pugicorn and the Lovebug
Pugicorn, everyone's favourite magical pet, is back with an adorable new sidekick: the Lovebug! It's the season of Leaps and Love Hearts and Princess Ava…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Sparkyfox
Meet Sparkyfox, a lost little cub with a very special power . . . that's fading fast! Prince Zac is determined to help Sparky find…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Elepop
Meet Elepop, the magical baby elephant who blows rainbow bubbles from her trunk! Her new owner, Princess Ivy, is the BIGGEST overthinker. So when Ivy…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Pugicorn and Hugicorn
It's summer in Twinkleton-Under-Beanstalk, and Princess Ava and her magical pet Pugicorn are helping out at Mrs Paws' Pupicorn Training School! The excitable pups must…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Starpuff
Princess Sara is scared of EVERYTHING: storms, the dark and especially the Twinkleton Dragon. She's hoping her new pet Starpuff can protect her! But when…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Kitticorn
Prince Miles likes things to go exactly as planned. He enjoys order and rules and he hates change. So when his beautiful, elegant new Kitticorn…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Pandarina
"A sweet, self-esteem-building pas de deux" Kirkus Reviews Princess Skye is SO clumsy. There's no way she can dance at Queen Elsie's birthday ball with…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Pugicorn and the Christmas Wish
Everything is set for a perfect Christmas in Twinkleton-under-Beanstalk. There's just one thing missing . . . snow! Princess Ava dreams of playing in the…
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The Magic Pet Shop: La-La-Llama
Prince Leo is a shy, quiet prince. But Mrs Paws has just the pet for him . . . La-La-Llama: a magical llama with the…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Starwhal
Meet Starwhal, the narwhal with sparkle-tastic powers! In this magical mermaid adventure. Millie the mermaid has come to the Magic Pet Shop. And she's in…
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The Magic Pet Shop: Pugicorn
He's a dog . . . in a unicorns' world! Every year, young princesses and princes arrive at Mrs Paws' Magic Pet shop to pick…
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My Very First Story Time: Cinderella
Poor Cinderella is made to sweep, cook and clean, and yet she always shows kindness to her mean stepsisters. This storybook boasts sparkles and spells,…