Making Change Stick: A Practical Guide to Implementing School Improvement
Implementing change is a complex undertaking, and most school improvement initiatives fail to meet their stated aims. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Drawing on a decade of research and development in schools around the world, Dr James Mannion introduces the Making Change Stick programme, a groundbreaking approach to implementing sustainable school improvement.
This practical guide draws together insights from implementation and improvement science, equipping educators with practical tools and a systematic framework to lead effective change that positively impacts pupil outcomes. Inside, you’ll find:
– A step-by-step framework, including guidance on data collection, habit formation, and team collaboration
– Detailed examples of effective change implementation, tailored to different school contexts
– A range of tried-and-tested strategies to turn intentions into lasting improvement
Whether you’re a teacher, school leader, or policymaker, Making Change Stick offers essential tools to create a culture of continuous improvement and make a lasting difference.
Drawing on a decade of research and development in schools around the world, Dr James Mannion introduces the Making Change Stick programme, a groundbreaking approach to implementing sustainable school improvement.
This practical guide draws together insights from implementation and improvement science, equipping educators with practical tools and a systematic framework to lead effective change that positively impacts pupil outcomes. Inside, you’ll find:
– A step-by-step framework, including guidance on data collection, habit formation, and team collaboration
– Detailed examples of effective change implementation, tailored to different school contexts
– A range of tried-and-tested strategies to turn intentions into lasting improvement
Whether you’re a teacher, school leader, or policymaker, Making Change Stick offers essential tools to create a culture of continuous improvement and make a lasting difference.
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The way that the programme is structured is really helpful. I would definitely recommend Making Change Stick to other schools. For me, the widest impact has been on involving the wider members of our school community, removing that idea of a top-down approach to change management and involving the whole community to ensure that change is lasting.
One of the most powerful parts of the programme for me was establishing a slice team, and really relying on the slice team to provide the data and information on the policy before you implement it. I think... as a senior leader that you have your assumptions about how staff are feeling or where people are at in terms of readiness for change, and it was so eye-opening to start off with that feedback from across the school community. I now can't see how you would implement change without using a slice team. I would definitely recommend [the Making Change Stick programme] for any middle or senior leader at any point in their career. The clarity of the framework is what really makes this programme stand out. It takes a complex process and breaks it down into a series of steps with some really usable models that really help you plan for change.
A fabulous and unique book. Every school leader should have a copy. I loved it.
Your no-nonsense companion for securing school change -
steeped in evidence and packed with practical insight.
Packed full of sage advice, practical activities and relevant worked examples.
It's easy to be overwhelmed by books offering advice.
If you read one this year, read this. It exudes practical wisdom.
A vital resource for making change not just possible but permanent.
The impact has been huge. When we looked back and did backward design, we found that lots of things we want to implement have been tried before and failed. But by using a slice team and getting the message out to everybody, everyone having a voice has made a huge difference to us as a school. Now we've got buy-in, we've got the relationships, and we've also got a collaborative culture and consistency. I would definitely recommend Making Change Stick to other schools. It looks like it's this big thing when you first see it, but as you work your way through, you make sure that you don't miss anything out and everything is done thoroughly and properly. As a school, moving forward, everything we try to implement will be done using this method because we've found it so successful. So go for it!
Having done this training with my whole senior management team, they all felt very energised and confident as well. And in our discussions since - it's been two weeks now since we did the course - with three or four of my team, it's been 'Well I know how I want to tackle this now', or we're looking back on something we did last year and thinking 'Oh the bit we missed was this.' The Making Change Stick programme has really highlighted to us what we have missed in the past, but it's also given us real confidence that we now have very practical tools we can use to make implementation better in our school. So the main thing we got out of the programme was the motivation, the confidence, and the energy to really want to tackle the next project. And a sense that we know how to address the fears and concerns people have before you implement something new. People don't talk enough about the science of implementation, and equally the training is very scarce. And yet it's such a key area of understanding for a school, or any institution if they are going to attempt change. That's why this programme is so valuable - because it's something we're doing all the time, but we've never really been trained in it.
The Making Change Stick programme has really been the making of me as a leader. I had many thoughts about change management throughout my career, but rarely was I given the opportunity to actually be shown and guided through the process. It's something that I take with me now and apply to everything that I do. Not only have I managed to make that policy so much better, but I've also developed the skill set to lead other changes through. And the really nice thing is that I have been able to coach other people in implementation science, so it's having a wider impact on our school culture. I would recommend this training to any school that's thinking about implementing a serious change because it will certainly ensure that your change has real impact. But I would also recommend it for the positive impact it has on school culture and also developing leadership capacity in your school, which we know is so important and I think this is a key driver for developing leadership capacity in schools.
The slice team has been a transformative way for us of implementing change. Traditionally, an idea comes through a member of the Senior Leadership Team [SLT] who's probably been on a training course or they've seen something at another school, and then they discuss it at SLT and then that gets rolled out in school. And you don't have the same buy-in that you have from a slice team. So we've got members of staff from SLT, middle leaders, experienced staff, NQTs, teaching assistants, governors, pupils - effectively, every stakeholder is covered. So everyone's got a voice in that change and that... that makes buy-in across the school far more powerful.